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Gender has been one of the major working area of MAG. This organization has been relentlessly working in addressing the issues of gender equality & violence from grass root to the highest level of policy making. MAG has been supporting gender equality issue and promoting it with other Civil Society Organizations and concerned stakeholders through its various programs and campaign.  In the context of Gender Based Violence (GBV), it lobbies the resolutions of CEDAW and Beijing platform against the gender based violence. As it is associated with NAP (National Action Plan) and Action Plan 1325 it conducts 16 days campaign every year against Gender based Violence issues where various levels of activities (interaction, awareness etc.) are organized comprising stakeholders of different levels.   Recently, on the occasion of the 20th year of Beijing+20 MAG, on the ground of the initiations it has led for promoting gender equality, has been selected as the media partner for Beijing +20 by UN Women. MAG always thrives in mainstreaming gender for equal participation, access and opportunity with its several activities/projects and continues to do it through advocacy, campaign and other several activities.  Collective media campaign for 33% women representation in CA election 2013, high level stakeholder interaction program for women representation in CA, interaction program on role of women in state level mechanisms,civic education training for women journalists in district level, RTI in VAW are some of the initiations of MAG for promoting equality and fighting gender discrimination