Advocacy and Coordination on the issue of Haruwa Charuwa

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MAG in support of Geneva Global,  has been implementing “Advocacy and Coordination on the issue of Haruwa Charuwa” since January 2016. MAG will be working on 3 target districts; Siraha, Saptari and Dhanusha. The overall goal of the project is to attain complete eradication of agricultural bondage which will be fostered through networks in the local level. The issue of Haruwa Charuwa is quite complex which is constantly misinterpreted, mislead and misunderstood. In this era of development, which has leaped forward to numerous significant developments in case of mankind, it is saddening to realize how such form of slavery is still prevalent in Nepal even after years of suffrage around the world.  Bonded labor in Nepal has arisen out of unequal agrarian relations. Landless lower castes are often forced by their circumstances to borrow huge sums of money from rich land owners at high interest rates, to meet their subsistence needs invariably resulting in bondage.

MAG will be implementing the project within the following framework with its main objective to capacitate the implementing partner organizations and media to successfully advocate the issue of Haruwa Charuwa:

  1. Research
  2. Resource Material Development
  3. Capacity Building Training
  4. Networking and Coordination
  5. Monitoring and Mentorship

Since the commencement of this program in January 2016, MAG has studied the issue through desk and field research whereby MAG has analyzed the core issues relating to Haruwa Charuwa. MAG has concretely studied the acts and policies relating to bondage, core issues in agricultural bondage, media/NGO mapping of the project districts, media monitoring on the issue of Haruwa Charuwa and strategic interventions in past liberation movements to ensure sustainable liberation of Haruwa Charuwa. Until the date, MAG has been able to hold consultation meetings with the Parliamentarians, Ministry of Land Reform and Management, Ministry of Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation and Ministry of Finance. MAG, with the Geneva Global and Haruwa Charuwa representatives, was able to discuss and critically analyze the options to sustainable liberation of Haruwa Charuwa with the dignitaries from respective ministries. With commitments made through the consultations and in-depth study of the issue, MAG has formulated a strategy document setting short and long term goals.

Nevertheless, MAG will now be moving forward with capacity building training and network formation on the district level whereby MAG will constantly guide and monitor the progress on the issue of Haruwa Charuwa. MAG has already assigned local coordinators in the district who are responsible for coordination of network of implementing partners and media proliferation in the local level post capacity building trainings. With its main objective as Sustainable Liberation of Haruwa Charuwa, MAG will ensure the core purpose with advocacy and coordination.