National workshop to ensure safety of women migrant workers using RTI

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As part of program entitled “Promote the use of the Right to Information Act for Women to access information on safe migration”, MAG organised a national level interaction workshop on 11th August 2016, at Yak Palace Lalitpur. The program was attended by 36 (20 F; 16 M) participants representing government officials from Ministry of Labour and Employment, National Information Commission, policy makers, national NGOs working in safe migration and members of National Networks on Safe Migration (NNSM), media houses, returnee migrants and other concerned stakeholders.

The program was held with the objective to share the findings of district level workshops in order to help the national level stakeholders to have an overview of the project implementing districts. In addition, the program helped to identify the major areas to address and intervene for ensuring safe migration of women migrant workers using Right to Information Act. The interaction facilitated to create awareness among the stakeholders representing government authorities and civil society members on problems of women migrant workers and possibility to use RTI tool to claim related information. Further, it helped the stakeholders and policymakers understand the gap and actualize the appropriate legislation in foreign migration.

Ms. Babita Basnet, President of MAG, facilitated the program and Ms. Sushmita Lama, Program Coordinator, shared the findings and recommendation from district workshops. The panelist of the program were Mr. Mahendra Thapa, Joint Secretary, National Information Commission (NIC); Mr. Surya Chandra Bandhari, Project Coordinator, SaMi Project, Ministry of Labor and Employment; Mr. Siddhi Chandra Baral, President, National Network for Safe Migration (NNSM); Ms. Bijaya Rai Shrestha, Director, Paurakhi, and Ms. Srijana Pokhrel, Executive Director, INHURED International.