Booklet of Citizen Awareness for the Use of Right to Information

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Information is power. It builds self-confidence. There is a huge difference on whether you are well informed or not. CA ! CAInformation is also a key to awareness and empowerment. People of Nepal have the legal right to know what is going on in their public offices all over the country. Implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) in Nepal has been guaranteed both in the Constitution since 1990 and by an act of Parliament since 2007.  Following the enactment of this law, one had expected that people’s right to know will be fully respected. However, despite its enactment and despite the formation of National Information Commission, the exercise of this right has so far been weak. The situation in Nepal suggests a very gloomy picture of people’s participation in governance. In reality, a large number of people are denied participation in governance and they do not have access to information about government decision- making processes.

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