According to the research report on ‘Women Journalists in Nepal’ published by Sancharika Samuha in November 2016, female journalists at the leadership position of media houses is rare occurrence. The majority of female journalists working in radio and television are program/ news presenter. In case of newspaper, they are confined to the post of ‘ Junior reporters’. Very few female journalists hold senior or executive post in media.
According to the research report, out of 1,143 female journalists involved in the survey, only 8.1 per cent are working as ‘editor’, 29.3 percent are working as ‘correspondent or sub-editor’ while 41.5 percent are working as ‘program/ news presenter ‘in broadcasting media including radio and television. The research also revealed that only few female journalists hold senior most position in media, as 3.6 percent of women are working as ‘Chief reporters’ while 2.9 percent of them are working as senior correspondents/ burea chief and 2.7 percent of them are publishers or managers .
The research revealed that female journalists cover different beats. Few female journalists were found to have been covering major beats like politics, economics, foreign affairs and social affairs. Majority of women journalists were found to be covering reports/ news on mixed beats which is very common among female journalists outside the valley. It was also found that female journalists work as both reporter and news presenter in radio and TV. Out of the total respondents, 18.3 % cover news/ report on social affairs, 3% cover political issues and current affairs. Similarly, 2.5 % cover financial issues, 0.8% cover international and foreign affairs, 15.1% covered various issues.
Mapping of media houses with number of women in various posit...